Craig Bartholomew

Craig Bartholomew
Full name Craig Bartholomew
Born Pinetown, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa
Era 21st-century philosophy
Region Western Philosophy
School Calvinism  · Philosophy
Main interests Worldview  · Post-Modernism · Biblical Interpretation  · OT Wisdom

Craig Bartholomew (MA, Potchefstroom University, PhD, Bristol University) is the H. Evan Runner Professor of philosophy at Redeemer University College. He has published a great number of works, and is involved in a number of different Academic communities. His intellectual pursuits tend to focus on the philosophical nature of the Christian Bible, as well as on Post-Modernism, and the Christian worldview.



Craig Bartholomew studied theology at the University of South Africa and then again at Oxford University. He was ordained to the ministry in the Church of England in South Africa (CESA), a traditional reformed Episcopal church (as in Hungary and Poland) and spent three years in the pastoral ministry before taking up a lecturing position at CESA's George Whitefield College in Cape Town, at which time he was involved in founding a movement called Christian Worldview Network. CWN inter alia did major work with Christian artists and published A Manifesto for Christians in the Arts.

He completed a Masters degree through Potchefstroom University on the composition of Deuteronomy, and then after doing a year of philosophy in Toronto studying inter alia with Calvin Seerveld, Craig Bartholomew did an interdisciplinary doctorate entitled Reading Ecclesiastes: Old Testament Exegesis and Hermeneutical Theory under the joint supervision of Gordon Wenham (Old Testament) and Christopher Norris (philosophy and literary theory) through the University of Bristol in the UK. He completed his doctorate in 1997. Prior to coming to Redeemer University College to take up the H. Evan Runner Chair in Philosophy in the year 2004, Craig Bartholomew was a senior research fellow in the Department of Religion and Theology at the University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, England.[1]

Focus of Study

Bartholomew's main area of philosophical expertise is hermeneutics, particularly in how hermeneutics relates to a Christian perspective in other disciplines, particularly biblical studies. For the past nine years Bartholomew has directed the international Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar which has published eight volumes in the Scripture and Hermeneutics Series (Paternoster and Zondervan). The final volume in the series, The Bible and the University, was published in 2007.[2]

Academic Involvement

With his former Redeemer colleague Mike Goheen, Craig Bartholomew is presently writing a three volume series on Bible, Christian Worldview, and Christian philosophy. The first volume, The Drama of Scripture: Finding our Place in the Biblical Story was published by Baker Academic in 2005. The second volume: Living at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Christian Worldview and Cultural Analysis was released in 2008 by Baker and SPCK. A third volume is planned: Liberating Christian Philosophy: An Introduction to Christian Philosophy.

Academic Societies/Activities


Christopher Norris (Philosophy, literary theory, Cardiff). Dissertation title: "Reading Ecclesiastes: Old Testament Exegesis and Hermeneutical Theory." Doctoral research concerning the interrelationship of philosophy, literary theory and Old Testament hermeneutics, focused exegetically on readings of Ecclesiastes.


Books, Articles and Chapters

Edited Volumes




Popular Publications and Activities

Academic papers


  1. ^ "Biblical Theology: About Us... Authors". Retrieved 2011-09-19. 
  2. ^ "Redeemer Spotlights". Retrieved 2011-09-19. 
  3. ^

External sources